Thursday, March 5, 2009

Tuesday, March 3

Day 4

We woke up very very early to start our day! We left for the Copan Ruins at 7 am. The trip was supposed to take 3 and a half hours and we would get there at 11am or so. However, we didn't end up getting there until 3pm. The route we were supposed to take was too dangerous, so we took the bouncier route and went 20 mph the whole way! It really wasn't as bad as it sounds. We ended up eating lunch at a really cute little inn near the ruins. By the time we finished lunch it was 4pm and we thought the ruins closed at 5pm, so we rushed over. When we arrived the parking lot was empty and apparently the ruins close at 4 and it was 430! Laura and Joao sweet talked our way in and we were allowed to see the ruins for 30 minutes! They were amazing. We all want to come back and see the ruins again because you could spend at least 2 days looking at everything. We left for San Pedro Sula around 6pm and arrived at the hotel by 10pm. It had been such a long day and we were all exhausted! We had a small dinner and crashed!

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