Sunday, March 1, 2009

March 1 2009

Day 2

Breakfast at the Hilton Princess in San Salvador is fabulous!! Fresh fruit, tamales, cold oatmeal (actually very good) and so much more. Today started kind of early..we left at 9 am. Our bus driver, Daniel, got a little bit lost on our way to visit an artisan market, but we made it eventually! The market consisted of small shops and convenience stores and a cow tied to a tree in the middle of town! The architechture was amazing and had a Mediterranean influence. The church was gorgeous and actually wood inside. One small store gave us a tour of their workshop. All the pottery is handmade right underneath the store. Then we took the bus to Suchitoto which is a colonial town built next to a lake. We had lunch right when we got there at Pasada Suchitlan (The Inn at Suchitlan). The views of the lake from the restaurant were amazing. A small band was serenading us throughout lunch. After lunch we took pictures of the inn's grounds and a picture with Jesus, the armed guard. ´The bus ride back was much quieter than the bus ride there. I think we're going to have dinner in a little bit at a local restaurant instead of in the hotel. Can't wait for breakfast tomorrow!

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