Sunday, March 1, 2009

February 28 2009

Our first day in El Salvador!
We're exhausted because we were forced to wake up at 2 am to make it to the airport on time. The airport was weirdly busy because of NCSU spring break as well as several high schoolers. The next 8 hours moved by in a daze due to lack of sleep and the fun filled cramped conditions of the airplanes, by our arrival in El Salvador at 1pm Mr. Harazin got the red light from customs due to his nefarious appearance. We were then greeted by hundreds of adoring fans that for some reason refused my attempts at giving autographs and didn't follow us our bus except for the few men that fallowed my mumbling something I'm not sure I wanted to know. Once at the hotel we all went our separate ways a few took naps others went exploring or to the gym, I stared intently at a soccer game between too teams I didn't know in a language I had no chance of understanding. We then meet back up in the lobby for a tentative schedule meeting meeting Gene Barbee who owns a high end outerwear (fleece jackets) that we will be visiting on Monday March second, he gave us the back ground on his involvement in the textile industry and how he and his children started there business, growing from one employee to 70 and growing and Elmer fallowed by dinner at the hotel, and then we crashed the two weddings being held on either side of us, and by crash I mean we all went to bed cause waking up at 2:30 doesn't leave much energy for crazy dancing.

1 comment:

  1. Wow I just read this great experience and I would've loved to know you all guys , not that I'm part of textile industry, just for fun to meet people from other country, hope the project of school textile is up and running
